






guestbook #2


concert list





2002-02-21 - 12:00 am

Why I am up still? I haven't gotten to bed earlier than twelve any time this whole week. That's not really that unusual, but I need to get out of this bad habit of no sleep. I'm the kind of person that needs about ten hours a night, but I never get it. So maybe I don't really need it? It's so weird. I'm exhausted when I get up, exhausted when I get home, exhausted all evening, then right when it is about time where I should get to bed I get this rush of energy and I can't sleep. Okay, I know I'm being boring.

I am so excited. I ordered Cassandra's birthday present from Amazon and it came today. Of course, as you should realize, greedy Ms. Boombastic can't order a present for someone else without ordering a present for herself. I got myself The Strokes CD. I guess they are really popular or something and I kept hearing about them but I didn't know who they were. Well awhile back I saw them on Saturday Night Live and realized I was in love with them. I am so excited by this CD, it's really good.

I was also quite jealous of Cassandra's present. I got her the Almost Famous DVD. It's the Bootleg version and it has all this extra stuff. I want it so bad, too, but it would be silly to get it when I already have the movie itself on VHS. I also got her one of our special T-shirts, so I am hoping she will love her present. Usually I'm a really good present-giver, but lately I have been in a present drought.

Oh, I started a Boombastic Diaryring. I will be surprised if anyone else but me joins it, but I just saw the need for it to exist. It might just be one of those exclusive clubs.

Want to hear something mean? There are these girls that are all friends that I have known since last year. Apparently when they were in middle school two of the girls really didn't like their other friend, Jessica, that much. They made up the I-Hate-Jessica club and used the code IHJ club so that Jessica wouldn't know. Well the saddest part is that they GOT HER TO JOIN HER OWN HATER CLUB! They told her it was a cool new club called the IHJ club and she became a member. If that isn't sad, I don't know what is.

I've been listening to a lot of K-Ci and JoJo lately. I also broke out the Keith Sweat from 1990 or something. I guess I've been in a weird sentimental mood. I don't know why on earth I would be sentimental for that time period though. That's the sit in front of the mirror and obsess over how ugly you are period. The think about how no boy will ever love you period. The you're too skinny and you don't have a big enough ass period.

I still don't have the body I want, but I have to admit I am glad that I ended up finally getting a big booty. I would say it is my best body feature. Some girls don't like having a big butt, but I think everyone looks better with one.

Why doesn't Rory on the Gilmore Girls have any self esteem issues? I love the show, but it is not in the least bit realistic. She's just the type of girl that would have self esteem issues, but no, she just happily sits alone in the lunch room.

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