






guestbook #2


concert list





2001-08-25 - 1:00 p.m.

I found out that there are other teacher diaries on here. Something that I think will be interesting to read as the school year starts. I am excited about that. I am also excited by the fact that I started this new diary because I feel like I can be more open about what I'm feeling on here since it isn't connected to my webpage that everyone knows about. I don't think many of my friends ever actually read my online journal anyway, but I knew that they could read it, along with my mom, so I may have censored myself somewhat because of that. The main reason I wanted to stop doing the online journal under my name is that I discovered you can do a search for my full name and get to my homepage due to Google spidering an old entry of mine before I took off my last name. That made me paranoid that one of my students might find me and learn more about me than would be good for them to know. It's not like I talk about anything scandalous, but I don't really like the idea of them coming up to me and talking to me about something I wrote in there. It just weirds me out.

I have had an uneventful day so far. I spent most of it sleeping. I am torn about doing this. On the one hand I should be trying to get back into a normal sleeping schedule. On the other, I'd like to relax and enjoy my vacation. I think the deal I made with myself (if I keep it), is that next week is the time I have to actually start getting ready. That gives me this weekend off. I don't start teacher planning days until Wednesday, and I definitely need that extra Monday and Tuesday to be spent doing something productive. I start school the day after labor day. I just am feeling so not ready. Spending the first summer I've had off in forever relaxing has been so much fun. I haven't gotten half of what I thought I would accomplish done, but I did have a nice time.

I'm wondering if anyone will really go to my personal homepage anymore now that I took down the online journal. I don't really have a draw for people without having some sort of changing content. I guess it doesn't matter. I may try to work on some sort of interesting page for it to make people come but I seriously thought about deleting the whole thing. I hate to delete something I spent so much time on, though. Hmm..

I don't like not having the creative freedom I want on here. All I want to do is make this diary look a little bit nicer, and it is so hard to do that without being able to put up images. It isn't that I want pictures all over it, I just want to be able to have more control over the fonts, etc. Oh well, this will have to do for now. I felt pretty proud of myself for being able to edit the html without using Dreamweaver for help or anything like that. I made it exactly how I wanted using html for once. I guess that is something that makes my webpage worthwhile--I learned a little bit of simple html this summer.

I have never realized how LOUD kids are until I got these neighbors. The place I live has zero insulation anyway. Had I known that, I probably would not have moved in here. When I moved in here there were only two apartments. Now there are four. The neighbors that are being so loud are two little girls, one of which yells a lot and her yell is more of a screech than a yell. They also spend a lot of time running up and down stairs and slamming doors. The other neighbors can be loud as well. Hopefully the newest neighbors will be quiet.

Okay, I think I have complained enough for this entry. I can't believe in such a short amount of time I will be back teaching school. As much as there are things I don't look forward to about it, I am looking forward to it. I'm glad I will be a second year teacher and we have a few new teachers so I look forward to meeting them. I like the teachers at my school but haven't really connected with any of them (maybe because they are all over the age of 40 and I'm not). I hate relating better to my students than to my coworkers! :)

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