






guestbook #2


concert list





2002-05-01 - 11:08 p.m.

First of all, I am not feeling well at all. Blah. I did have a nice nap, though, so I feel better than could be expected. My goal is to not take any more sick days this year, so I will be going in. One of the new teachers has not taken a single sick day, which I think is insane. He has been sick too, but he told me confidentially that he was too afraid of what would happen in his absence and he isn't sure how to write good sub plans. So I guess I can understand that.

I really like it when people confide in me. I guess it goes back to high school or something. I like knowing secrets.

My nap interfered with my TV viewing and I missed Dawson's Creek completely and the first 20 minutes of Felicity. I didn't feel too bad about DC but apparently the twenty minutes I missed from Felicity was the worst twenty minutes to miss from a TV show ever. I turned it on right when Noel walked out of the room that Ben and Felicity were in saying, "I gotta go, it's my last night as a single man." Then Ben apologized to Felicity for something going on between him and someone named Claire, then Felicity said, "WAIT YOU'VE BEEN SEEING HER? HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON?" He said about a month. Then we get to the spell that brings Felicity back in time. However, I am left with some questions--who is Claire? How did Felicity find out about Claire? When and how did Alaina die (this was revealed later on in the episode)? I gathered that Noel was going to marry Zoey, but other than that, those twenty minutes have left me mystified. Of course none of the recaps are up anywhere, so I am dying of curiosity.

I was shocked and pleased to find out someone new put me on her buddy list. I went to her page and found it was very interesting and have been reading some of the archives. She also has two of the world's cutest children. So go check atatons's page out. How very British of me to add that extra s after the apostrophe!

I bought some more fruit but I was too damn lazy to cut it all up and put it in tupperware bowls. If I don't do that right away, then it is destined to rot. So basically I just bought some rotten, useless fruit, and wasted my money completely. Go me.

My meeting was fun and we actually got done writing the test questions for our section. We also have two new group members including the man I met at the adoption meeting last time that I was so excited by. He is like late thirties or something, and married, so once again I have to remind you that I don't have a crush on him. However, my platonic love affair continued when we were doing our go around and tell what your favorite book is introduction thing. He said that he would have to say To Kill a Mockingbird and then he further said that Ch. 28 is what really gets to him--when Boo Radley comes out (I have not actually finished this book so am not really familiar with this at all). He said every year when he teaches it, he has to have a kid come up to read it, because Mr. _____ can't get through it without sobbing.

I just thought that was incredibly touching.

Justin and I were talking tonight, sort of joking around, about what kind of people we would each date if we broke up. I said I would want to date someone who wants to go out more and try new things. He said basically the same thing, but he means sports related stuff, and I mean things like listening to live music and going to plays. But I really do wonder what kind of a person I would date, since I haven't dated anyone else since I was in high school. I have no idea what kind of a person I would like or be attracted to. I have always liked guys who are sporty and not into school. I don't mean to be mean, but I will say this anyway--I've never liked a guy who is as smart as me. I'm not sure why. Justin is smart about some things, but he's not school-smart. I mean school smart. And what with that whole crying-over-a-book comment today, I wonder if I started dating someone else if they would enjoy reading books as much as I do. In the past, I'm not sure if I would like a guy who liked reading a lot, I might dismiss him as nerdy and unmanly. But now I think that I would really like that. Helen and I were talking about that one time--how we both love to read and how her husband doesn't, and Justin doesn't. She said it is very lonely. I kind of want someone who wants to talk about books with me. I don't have anyone to share books with besides my students and in here. I know what you're thinking--join a book group. I've thought about it, but I don't know if I'm ready to do that. I think it will be mainly older women around here, and I'm kind of getting tired of being the token young person. Justin has, however, started to get a little into reading. He's taking an Asian American Lit. class right now and they are mainly reading memoir type books. The first one was one I read in high school Fifth Chinese Daughter by Jade Snow Wong. He absolutely loved the book and kept talking about it. I think he might be a book convert yet. But when he read the next book--one that I hadn't read, I discovered that his idea of discussing a book is telling me point-by-point the entire plot of the book. I am sad to say I was bored out of my mind. I felt bad because he was so excited about it, but he just went on and on.

Oh, about being the token young person. At my meeting there is this woman who is really nice and all--she is one of the two people that are in charge of the meetings. But anyway, you know when someone REALLY likes you and you're not sure what you did to make them like you so much? She REALLY likes me and thinks I am so funny and cool and young. It is really funny. She's always saying things like, "I enjoyed your email--you are such a delight!" The other woman in charge seems to really like me as well, but it seems more understandable. She thinks it is so funny how I bring my own pop to the meetings and how we both love donuts. In any case, it is nice to be liked, even if sometimes it feels like they just like me because they have this stereotype that I am young and full of energy and enthusiasm.

I bought three books today at Fred Meyer because they were having a paperback sale. I got Interview with a Vampire, Circle of Friends, and The Diary of Rose Red. They are the trashier looking paperbacks, but those are the cheapest. I saw a little bit of Interview with a Vampire the other day and was strangely intrigued by it. Vampires aren't usually my thing, but I figured I would give it a shot--I have actually been looking for this book for awhile and never can find it (always some of the later novels in the series). I also had picked up some books at the library (and they DO have fees so I have to actually try to read them fast!) I got Midwives, Smart Women and Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger. I have never read anything by Salinger other than Catcher in the Rye, so I thought I would give it a shot. So far the two stories I've read have had the kind of endings the kids hate--ones that don't seem to tie anything up and leave you going, "Huh? Huh." So as of yet I would still say Catcher in the Rye is his masterpiece. Smart Women is one of Judy Blume's books for adults. I'm curious to see how it is because I think it was written in the seventies or eighties, and that is always a weird time period for books about everyday women. Also, I thought Summer Sisters was decent, but very odd. Especially the whole thing with the two friends sort of doing this weird sexual ritual.

I ran into the stepmother of two of my kids--one who graduated last year and one who I still have. She smiled at me in the store, and she looked vaguely familiar. She then stopped me and said, "Aren't you the girl who just had the baby?" I was like, "Um, no." Then she said, "Then how do I know you?" I said, "Do your kids go to _____?" She said, "MS. BOOMBASTIC!" I said, "Oh, whose Mom are you again?" She said, "Oh you don't want to know!" and covered her eyes with her hands. I said, "No, tell me," and smiled encouragingly. She looked absolutely mortified and it actually seemed that she was not going to tell me who her kids were. Finally she did. I actually like the boys, they just are really hard to get to do any work at all. It was a very funny, but bizarre encounter.

Tomorrow is back to school. I have still not done anything to plan Julius Caesar so I really have to get it together this weekend.

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