






guestbook #2


concert list





2002-05-05 - 9:11 p.m.

It's times like these when I wish I had a weblog again, instead of this diary. I know I can do it that way on here but I haven't really figured it out and am afraid I will "break" my diary. Anyway, I logged on for one purpose only--to rant about serving sizes.

I decided to have a snack of baked cheddar cheese and sour cream Ruffles, and these new Bearwiches cookies. Well, after eating, oh, a fourth of the entire bag of Ruffles, I happened to glance at the nutritional data on the back. The serving size is NINE chips. NINE CHIPS?!?!? Who eats nine chips? If you're only going to eat nine chips, why even bother. You might as well eat a big bowl of fruit. Then, I decided to check out the nutritional information on these bearwiches. Guess how many bearwiches I had already eaten? Probably six. Guess how many I am supposed to eat in a serving? TWO. TWO COOKIES? Now I'm eating even more out of pure spite and rebellion. How dare they say I can eat only nine chips and two cookies? I am completely outraged.

I wonder if anyone gets bored of all my food/diet/exercise talk. I wonder if anyone ever thinks, "She just needs to get some will power and self control!" I just need to come up with something that works. I really did go on a diet in the past and really did lose 10-15 pounds. However, it is hard to eat low fat forever. It just sucks. Especially when you live by yourself and can't cook and have a job that makes it difficult to have much free time. It makes you want to eat Taco Bell and Wendy's every day. I was doing pretty well not eating fast food for about a minute. Hopefully I can get it together soon.

Well, I had a nice weekend that included: Justin, chocolate peanut butter icecream, buying a new pair of pants for only $12.95, and sleeping a disgusting amount.

The new pants are khaki colored and have flare legs. I'm hoping that this won't be one of those "I bought this for only $12.95 and now realize that I just bought it because it was cheap, and it actually looks crappy on me," moments.

I'm having the kids read one of the JD Salinger stories tomorrow--one of them actually finally made sense to me, so I'm hoping it will be good and make sense to them.

My neck hurts after I'm on the computer too long so I had better get going.

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