






guestbook #2


concert list





2005-05-17 - 6:35 p.m.

School was good. On Friday, one of my students asked me in my crazy class if I liked Mr. CuteSub, I guess because I always order him when I'm gone (in my defense: he's a good sub, he always leaves a nice note, and the kids love him). So the rest of the kids hear him ask me that, and even though I say no, they start yelling that I do like him, think he's hot, have a crush, etc. The whole class has started teasing me, they are hysterical, and here I am bright red, which just encourages them more. What a nightmare, but it was a funny moment. Now they won't let me hear the end of it.

I gave up on trying to fix my bad class, but they're still driving me insane. It is as if I am in charge of a bunch of monkeys at the zoo. This is a class that I had the principal observe because they used to be angels. Ugh.

Jose emailed me again from work today...and called me when he got off. Hmmm. It would be nice if I could just relax and enjoy it, wouldn't it?

I put up some photos in a certain place. If you want to know where, and you don't already know, please email me or leave me a message.

I'm getting a little bit stressed about school ending so soon. I've been doing a lot of writing stuff lately, and I am realizing that I will miss teaching writing a little bit. I may take that back tomorrow, when I am grading 100+ character papers. I still haven't been told that it is okay to tell people about getting the job, but at the same time I have had a bunch of random people come up and congratulate me, so?

I better get going...just wanted to write a quick update.

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