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2005-05-10 - 7:11 p.m.

I decided to delete the last entry that I wrote. I know it is perfectly legal to go places like that, but I am feeling all paranoid considering I am responsible for molding the minds of future generations. If you missed the entry and want to read about the completely inappropriate weekend I had, leave me a message.

I have great news, though!!! I got the reading position. :) My principal came and talked to me first thing yesterday morning. He is such an enthusiastic person, and he said I did a great job in the interview and that I always say I am nervous but it never shows. He also said he thinks I will do a great job. Then he said that I might not end up on the same team next year. Because my best friend from the team is leaving, and I am not a big fan of two of the other team members (Nathan being one of them), I would not be that sad to leave my team. However, I love my classroom and the setup of our team area. So we'll see what happens. I am not sure if they would consider moving me down to the seventh grade, but if they did I would be on a team with one of my favorite people. They might be moving other people around as well, so we'll see how it all plays out. I ran over to tell my friend on the team, but then he came back and said I am not really supposed to tell anyone at school right now. So I am just waiting for them to figure things out so that I can tell people. I have felt awkward when people asked me if I heard anything yet, but I just said they haven't announced anything. I was glad that I did get to tell my friend on the team, though, because it would be too hard to keep it a secret from her.

I am so thrilled to be teaching reading, even though I will still have the pressures of the testing, because I think I am so much better at teaching reading than I am at teaching writing. I hate grading formal papers; I put it off so long that I never really give them valuable feedback. I do enjoy some parts of teaching writing, but for the most part I focus a lot more on reading anyway. I love teaching reading strategies, and that is what they want this class to focus on. So I am really, really excited. I also just feel good that I didn't embarrass myself in the interview, and that everyone saw me as good enough to teach the "important" class.

Justin said something really sweet when I told him I got the job. He said, "I knew you would get it." I asked if he thought I would get it before or after the interview, and he said he knew I would get it all along, "Because I know you and how you are, and I just knew you would get it." So I guess he has more confidence in me than I have in myself. Even after the interview I had my doubts. He is taking me out to dinner tomorrow to celebrate, and then I am going out with Mandy on Thursday as well to celebrate an award she got and my getting this job.

When Jose called me yesterday I told him I got the job and he said he had to take me out to celebrate, which I thought was sweet. We went to Old Chicago, and then we went to rent Trainspotting which I had never seen. It was okay, in my opinion. I did really like the music. It was just nice to hang out with him again. He has been so sweet lately. He also mentioned about how his friends are going to come visit in late July, and how he was telling his friend about how she would probably get to meet me then. So of course, that, along with the whole thing where his mom asked about me at lunch on Sunday, made me all happy. He also wanted to hang out with me again today, but I am going to be watching American Idol with my mom soon.

I know maybe I shouldn't get all excited about these things that make me feel like we're in a relationship, but I can't help myself sometimes. Oh well. It's nice that we have been spending so much time together lately.

This has been a really great week so far.

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