






guestbook #2


concert list





2007-02-04 - 10:19 p.m.

K tagged me for this one!

A � Available or Married? The most available I have ever been.

B � Best Friend? I am not really sure right now. Mandy is my closest friend, probably.

C � Cake or Pie? Cake. This double chocolate fudge cake from The Cheesecake Factory. Soooo good. Pie is just okay to me.

D � Drink of Choice? Diet Pop of any kind. For an alcoholic beverage, I like lemon drops or this cherry jubilee martini I had last time that I went out.

E � Essential Item? I always wear makeup every day: eyeliner, mascara, MAC fix, and lipstick. I feel naked without it.

F � Favorite Color? Pink and red.

G � Gummi Bears or Worms? I prefer the worms. My favorites are also sour candies like sour patch kids and sour patch watermelons.

H � Hometown? Portland, OR

I � Indulgence? Flaming hot cheetos, or a 7-11 brownie.

J � January or February? I hate both months, but especially February because of V-day. I really like warm weather.

K � Kids and Names? I am pretty sure that I want kids. The names that I like best are Jeremiah and Madeline (Maddie for short). I also like the names Ben, Cassandra, and Lucia.

L � Life is incomplete without? A boyfriend. Sorry, but that is something that has been true for me. I'm trying to get over it, though.

M � Marriage Date? I don't have one. I would love to get married two years from now. I need to find someone to marry first.

N � Number of Siblings? Five.

O � Oranges or Apples? Oranges.

P � Phobias/Fears? I have a weird phobia about going to see live music with boys I am dating. It always seems to end in a fight or a disaster or some sort. I also detest feet, especially boy feet.

Q � Favorite Quote? �You act like you're fourteen years old/ Everything you say is so/ Obnoxious, funny, true and mean/ I want to be your blowjob queen." Sorry for the dirty quote, but I love Liz Phair.

R � Reason to Smile? Good friends at work.

S � Season? Summer all the way! I love the clothes, the heat, and the time off.

T � Tag 3 People! I'll pass.

U � Unknown Fact About Me: I have a ghetto booty. Wait, did you already know that?

V � (my choice): Valentine�s Day. I hate this holiday. I am always disappointed, and this year I am definitely going to be disappointed because I don't have a boyfriend. What I want more than anything is a boyfriend who will get me a big box of chocolates and make me a mix CD of songs that make him think of me. Dream on! :) Last year was actually a decent V-day, but I got so worked up thinking maybe Chad wouldn't get me a gift or something that it was all tense up to the point when he gave me one.

W � Worst Habit? Being negative and self-deprecating. I am way too hard on myself. I also have a bad habit of gossiping, although I rarely talk about people that I actually like.

X � (my choice): Xbox 360 Chad took a picture of my playing his Xbox 360 in his Halo shirt and underwear. Needless to say, it is not the most flattering picture, but it made us both laugh.

Y � Your favorite food? I love lasagna and Thai food.

Z � Zodiac? Libra

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