






guestbook #2


concert list





2007-07-09 - 5:46 p.m.

I have to remember that Chad went on about 20 CL dates before he met me, so I shouldn't expect to meet my dream man right away. The last time I did this, though, I met cool guys right away (Ben and Chad), so I kind of had high expectations. I'm trying to stay positive, but sometimes it's hard.

The Fourth of July was uneventful. I went to my friend Scarlett's party. She got a bouncy castle for the kids at the party, and we ended up playing in it. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! I was glad I wasn't too embarrassed to be one of the only adults acting like a big kid. :) I loved it.

So on Thursday I went on a second date with J, the longshoreman/poker player. I had felt attracted to him, but I felt like he wasn't a very good listener, so I hoped things would improve on a second date. They didn't. We met up and went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch. He said he would pay, so I said that he could pay but that I would pay for the movie. Lunch was ok, but I made the mistake of asking him about how he did when he went to play poker at LaCentre the day before. He went on and on and on. I mean, he was telling me all of these different hands and what other people had and how much he won and how much he was down. After he was done, I changed the subject, and then he brought it up again two more times. I was not that interested, to say the least. He literally asked me two questions about myself at lunch, and only one of them was a question that I hadn't just asked him. Anyway, I started feeling like this might not work out, but we had agreed to go to a movie, so I ended up driving us over to the movie from where we were.

Now, I know that sometimes I can be too picky when it comes to guys. I once stopped liking my boyfriend because he showed up wearing red fila sandals with white socks. But most people who I have mentioned this little detail to have completely understood. So I was making conversation with him, and I asked him, "So what kind of music do you listen to?" I fully expected this guy to give me some generic answer about how he likes everything. Um, no. He said, "I usually listen to the smooth jazz station." Let me repeat. He said he normally listens to the SMOOTH JAZZ station. Are you kidding me?!?!?! Not just jazz. Smooth jazz. Music is important to me, and while I have some questionable taste in music, I am sort of a music snob. The fact that this guy listens to smooth jazz was the biggest turn-off that I could think of. I told my friend Cassandra this story and she said it was a deal-breaker! Ha ha.

Anyway, I'm not that awful that I wanted to end the date right there or anything. We drove over to the movie theater. He let me choose the movie, which did win him some points. I chose Once which I did say might be sort of a girlie movie, but he said whatever was fine. I enjoyed the movie a lot. We couldn't find street parking, so I drove into the parking lot that was connected to the theater (this was downtown). He commented on the way in that it was expensive, but I was already in there, so I didn't want to leave. So anyway, during the movie he held my hand, which I thought was sweet. I really was still attracted to him physically, but I was just annoyed that he didn't really seem to be making much effort to get to know ME, you know? Anyway, after the movie I drove out of the parking garage and it was FIFTEEN DOLLARS. I was kind of annoyed. If it had been so much money and he had been driving, I would have offered to help pay for it, but he didn't. And I understand that guys usually have to pay for dates, blah blah, but I was still annoyed that I had to pay for the movie and the parking. The reason I was driving was because he was having car problems. Whatever.

So on the way home he started talking about why he had the day off of work. He was telling me about how some longshoremen were killed by the police for union organizing activities on this day, so all longshoremen have the day after fourth of July off. I told him something that I thought was pretty interesting about how my friend was a union organizer and actually her father had been murdered because of his union activities. Um, isn't that an interesting enough anecdote for a follow-up question? He acted as if he hadn't even heard me and changed the subject. At that point I was just like...yeah. So I dropped him off and he kissed me on the cheek, which I was okay with, but I wouldn't have minded if he had kissed me. I haven't had a first kiss with anyone for a long time. Anyway, after that, I realized I would need to tell this guy that this was not going to work out.

Later that night, he text messaged me this really dorky message about how he missed me. He didn't even try to really get to know me better, he has no clue who I am as a person, and he misses me? I didn't even answer. I guess the next day he got the idea when he called and said he wanted to hang out. I said I already had plans (which was true), but I didn't talk to him more than that. Since then he hasn't called.

I was super excited because that guy I did like, T, called me and wanted to hang out that night, too. I had plans, and then he suggested the weekend, and I was busy all weekend. I said he should call or text me to let me know what his work schedule looked like on Monday (I said I was free on Monday and Tuesday). Well, I hoped he would do that this weekend, but here is is Monday and I haven't heard from him. So I am pretty much ready to give up on him, which sucks, but I think he just must not be that interested. Oh well.

So anyway, Thursday night my sister was in town so we went to hang out. We went to the Boiler Room. I had only been there one other time with Jose, so it was a fun experience. Her best friend was doing the karaoke MCing, and my sister and her boyfriend each actually sang. My sister is a good singer, and her boyfriend was pretty good, too. She also told me her boyfriend is ring shopping! I'm really excited for her, and I can't wait for the wedding. She said that I would probably be a bridesmaid, and that she would have it in DC since his family is so huge.

I will finish writing about the rest of my week/dates later!

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