






guestbook #2


concert list





2003-09-24 - 4:52 p.m.

Today was a pretty good day. I wrote my first behavior referral yesterday (as opposed to tardy referrals). Basically one kid kept teasing another kid, and after warnings I caught him in the act again. It was not that bit of a deal, really, but I needed to make my point.

Usually I don't have a good day on the days when I have eighth period, but I am trying to learn to like them. Actually I like them all just fine, it is just that as a combination they are a bit out of hand. Isn't that always the case? I don't have any kids that I actually dislike, although a few annoy me.

I realized today that I tell the kids a lot more stories than I did at my old school. I realized this when I said, "Oh, I told you about my embarrassing moment, didn't I?" And one kid said, "No, you didn't tell us. Tell us, you tell really good stories!" That was a good compliment, I thought. Don't worry, I'm not being one of those teachers who spends the whole period telling stories. I do have fun telling them the stories though, because they are a good audience. They laugh at just about anything, so that's always nice.

I got signed up to be on some training committee about reading strategies or something and so I have to miss four different half days of school. Part of me is looking forward to it, but part of me really isn't. I am doing it with my team leader, though, so that will be fun. She is really sweet.

I have gained five pounds since I moved here, and I'm not at all clear why because I stopped eating fast food. I am wondering if I am just eating on a more regular basis? I am really pissed off because I have been the same weight for about three or four years and this has come out of nowhere. I don't want to fulfill the stereotpye that when you move in with someone/get married, you get fat together. That is not happening.

I get my first paycheck at my new job tomorrow. Wish me luck that it is higher. It should be higher, but then there are differences in some different things than my other district, so it might end up being about the same. I want more money!

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