






guestbook #2


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2004-11-17 - 6:05 p.m.

One of my students saw me in the hall today and said, "Your class is like my favorite class!" What a sweetheart. I don't hear that too often because I am on a team with some really great, fun teachers. This is the funniest kid, too. He seems like he would be a troublemaker, because he's so talkative and loud, but he's just so happy and engaged with what is going on. He loved "Flowers for Algernon" and was always wanting to discuss it. He also loves to share his journal aloud every period. Actually, he reads the other Mark's journal every period, and then Jason reads his journal. Anyway, it really made my day.

I am kind of worn out today. My low class is small (like eleven kids) but they are constantly picking at each other. I think they must have most of their classes together, because everything is just one big argument with them. I have never had a class argue so much with each other, and it is constantly distracting them from what they are supposed to be doing. And then I just have bizarre behavior from some of them, but I just let it go.

I'm tired of fighting with the kids about staying in line and being quiet in the hallways. I didn't worry about it last year, so I don't know why I have made it an issue this year. Next year I won't, but some part of me has convinced myself that this is a battle I must win. I must have quiet obedient children in the hallways. Am I being ridiculous? I don't know. Maybe I should just give up on this one. I just may not be the kind of teacher that kids are good in the hallways for.

Tonight is America's Next Top Model, which is really the only TV show I watch regularly anymore. When does American Idol start? I need something to do with myself.

To show you just how much time I have on my hands, I have BAKED twice in the last week. Who bakes anymore? Other people did seem to appreciate that, though, since I brought the results to work.

So I was feeling better about everything relationship-wise, even though I wasn't entirely convinced that I shouldn't be worried, until I came across someone's website that mentioned a book called He's Just Not that Into You. So the book is by someone associated with Sex and the City. And I know you know the episode if you have seen it at all. Carrie has her new boyfriend, Bergher (sp?), meet the other women for the first time. Miranda is talking about this guy she went out with and is listing a few of his mixed signals/confusing actions. The other women are trying to reassure her, and Bergher is all, "You know, it sounds like he's just not that into you." And all of the other women are shocked, but Miranda feels like this is really refreshing. So later she hears this lady talking about the mixed signals she is getting and Miranda tries to help her by telling her that he's just not that into her. She responds by calling Miranda a bitch. So anyway, I kind of feel like...yeah, maybe it could be he's acting this way because he is afraid of commitment, and not ready for a relationship. But...maybe he's just not that into me. I don't want that to be it, but maybe it is. Still, I'm trying not to worry about it. I don't want to make myself sick over it, and if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out.

I'm still nervous about being observed. I am actually doing the same lesson I did last year when I was observed for the first time (different supervisor). I am pretty sure it will go well. I told the kids today that he would be watching and they were asking me why. Then they tried to get me to bribe them to be good. It was kind of funny. When I told the other period that he wouldn't be watching them after all, they were relieved. The kids said they feel nervous when someone else is in there watching. When I explained that he would be watching me more than them, they said that they would just tell him I am a good teacher so he wouldn't have to come. Nice thought, huh? I hate being watched by the principal or anyone else. Honestly, that is part of the reason I would not want to have a student teacher.

Yesterday I was talking to one of my teammates and he mentioned that if he was single he would try online personals. He said it doesn't matter how you meet someone once you get to know them and spend time with them. I know someone who does it, and I don't think there is anything wrong with it exactly, but I don't think it is something I could do. I did look through a bunch of profiles, but no one looked appealing AT ALL. Maybe it is because you don't know them that you are willing to rule them out based on small things. For example, I am completely okay with ruling out someone on there for spelling and grammar mistakes (I'm sorry, I'm an English teacher, I notices these things). Justin and Nathan have both been known to make spelling and grammar mistakes, but that's okay because I know them. I also would only look for tall guys on there, but Justin and Nathan aren't super tall. I guess I am just way too picky if the guy is not standing in front of me.

I can't wait for this week to be over!

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