






guestbook #2


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2003-01-27 - 9:45 p.m.

I am happy to say that I am feeling better about my whole fire-hazard fiasco yesterday. Justin ended up coming home while I saw his brother on IM, so he called me. He was very sympathetic (but bewildered) and made me feel better.

I got my grades done about 9 PM. Thank goodness I live so close to the school. I really hope no matter where I end up working that I live close to school because it makes a huge difference. We got an extension on our grades so they were due Wednesday instead of tomorrow (because this time was unfair due to many circumstances), but I decided to stay until I was done. I am not actually done with the whole commenting part, so I'm not as happy as I could be. I hope to get that done in a few hours because there is no way that I am missing one second of American Idol tomorrow. That show takes top priority. You may think I am being silly, but I am deadly serious.

I am reading a new book. It is supposedly in the Bridget Jones category, but so far it is not that Bridget Jonesey. I am really enjoying it though. It is called What She Saw in...." and then lists all of these guys. The title is a mile long. It goes through stages of her life in relation to the boys she had crushes on. I'm not that far, but it's really good, and I like the premise of the book. Even though it sounds rather shallow, it is more deep than expected. Also, the picture of the author is just gorgeous. She is exactly the kind of person I want writing books for me to read. You know what I mean? Sometimes I look at the author's photo and can't believe they wrote the book. It doesn't even have to be an attractive person, but they just need to look like someone I can relate to. Not that I like the book any less if the author looks like an old hag, but I like it that this woman wrote the book because she looks very cool and stylish.

I have to admit that I was a little disappointed with Riding in Cars with Boys. The book. I thought that it would be better. Not that it wasn't good, but I thought it would be really good. I'm curious to read the author's other book. I was disappointed that there was no author's picture in that one, either, because I want to know how she compares. I have to say, the most disappointing author picture that I can think of right now was Frank Abdignale who wrote Catch Me if You Can. Hello, it seemed from the movie that he would be a big hunk, but actually he is a portly older gentleman that doesn't look like he ever could have been a hunk. Is it possible that I just used the word hunk twice in one sentence? That is one of my least favorite words of all time.

It's weird when you are at school on a non-student day. It makes me sort of miss them because it is so quiet and boring without them there. You know what sound is one that brings up a mixture of love and hate? When you're sitting in your room on your prep period doing your work. Then you just sort of hear this rustling noise start. You start hearing a few small voices and doors opening, even though the bell hasn't rung. You know that soon there will be an explosion of kids coming out of their sixth period classes, and soon they will be in your room, saying hello, demanding attention, asking what we are doing today, telling their random stories, and generally bringing the room to life. It's bittersweet, really, the feeling I get when I start hearing that rustle.

I was really annoyed because there is this girl that wrote in her journal about bad habits (that was the topic). She writes, "I get really annoyed at you, Ms. Boombastic, because of how you are always playing with your hair. It distracts me." Now, I had made a big joke of this already, and asked the kids if they could tell me what my bad habit was. But I just thought that was straight up rude. There is no reason to tell anyone that their minor nuances that make them who they are annoy you. I think I am going to mention that she needs to think about how saying something like that might make a person feel. It made me feel bad, particularly since she was the only kid of all of my students that told me in her essay that she thinks I don't like her. Her reason? Because I supposedly don't tell her that she has tardies when I tell other people when they do. Well, she nailed that one right on the head. I am purposely trying to hide the fact that she has tardies from her because I hate her so much that I hope to give her detentions by not being up front. She couldn't possibly know that she is tardy without me letting her know, now could she? She couldn't figure out that when she is not in class yet and the tardy bell rings, that means she's late to class, could she? I guess not. Note: the sarcasm that I just used was not used with the student, of course, it is saved just for my lovely diary.

I found it interesting how so many of my students mentioned that I treat everyone like I like them equally and that I don't favor certain people over others. Maybe I find this so interesting because I feel this is rather untrue. I have many kids who I like the best, but I don't think I show them. The funniest thing was that one of my absolute favorites said that she felt that I liked her because I like everyone, and that I don't pick favorites. I'm glad, though, that they aren't on to me. Luckily I really do like 99.9% of them a lot, so I don't have too many problems with that.

I'm sad that I didn't get the chance to watch Amelie when I was so excited to watch it. I might just bring the movies back because I don't think I'll have the chance to watch it this week. I did really like The Good Girl and thought Jennifer Aniston was good in it. She was still adorable, even if she was supposed to be frumpy (her clothes were awful, though, I have to give them mad props for the nasty clothes). I also was in love with Gwenyth Paltrow's hair in Shallow Hal, which I saw for the first time this weekend. It made me want to get bangs, but I am sure it will not look as good on a semi-frizzy two-tone brunette as it did on beautiful, smooth haired Gwenyth.

I was sort of embarrassed because I was IMing with my sister and we were talking about celebrity crushes. Well I admitted to her about my Justin love, and she said she noticed the Justin calendar in the room that she stayed in while visiting, but didn't want to bring it up! HA HA! That was the funniest. She doesn't love him, unfortunately, but she seemed to still respect me. I really, really like my sister. She is the one that I relate to the most out of all of my new family members. She is really cool.

Well, I had better get going! "Goodnight, and have a pleasant tomorrow."

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