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2005-07-24 - 5:02 p.m.

Okay, in an effort to go down the path of positive affirmation/positive thinking/positive living, I'm going to try to have an all-positive post.

Happy Things:

Ben called me yesterday on his lunch break. Although he is busy all weekend with his family being here in town, he did mention that I need to come see his new apartment. This made me happy because if he didn't like me he wouldn't invite me to see his new apartment.

I ate my favorite pizza yesterday with Justin, and then I did the noble and calorie-busting act of telling him to take all of the leftovers home with him.

I got a really sweet email from Nicole which made me feel less like crawling into bed and crying.

I went to Burgerville today and, although the irony of making sure the pizza leftovers were out of my reach only to go to Burgerville was not lost on me, I enjoyed it. A lot. And hello, I resisted getting a milkshake. A fresh berry milkshake. I RULE THE WORLD.

Cherries were on sale for $1.78 a pound at Fred Meyer. I love cherries.

I found a really good new web site. I have been reading the archives, and I insist that you read the December 21, 2004 entry entitled "Hello, Clintons!" This woman also has a Saved by the Bell summary blog. I mean, really! Brilliant!!!!!!!!

So those are some positive things about life right now. Good.

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