






guestbook #2


concert list





2003-05-05 - 5:25 p.m.

I have felt nauseous all day, on the verge of throwing up. I was afraid I would throw up in class! How disgusting would that be? I would never live that down, either.

I have more grading to do than I ever thought possible. I think I am the most behind that I have ever been in my entire life. No joke. Grades are due in two days. What was I doing this weekend?

I had to meet with my professor and I felt reassured because she said that based on my video I had nothing to worry about, and was great teacher. She also said some nice things in the evaluation, and she rated me higher than I rated myself, and higher than the principal rated me. So I felt more positive than I had towards her before. I am less nervous about this whole class, but the big thing is coming up due pretty soon.

I visited Belinda in Eugene and we just spent hours talking. Her son is six now, and he is a lot more fun to hang out with now. He is a lot calmer and easy to talk to. I enjoyed my time with him this time, instead of feeling completely exhausted by him.

I am so ready for school to be out, no joke. I feel like I can't handle this stress anymore. Maybe once grades are in I will feel better. I am just so sick of looking at their papers. It would be one thing if they even seemed to try very hard, but sometimes I look at their papers that they turned in and I think, "You have got to be kidding me." It makes me upset. I mean, it is so clear to me that 90% of them do not reread their final drafts before turning them in. There are so many errors that it is unbelievable. Anyway, it really pisses me off and makes me feel like a failure.

There have been more jobs posted, but I never hear anything in reply when I send my stuff in. It's just so frustrating.

I finished a few books. Thumbsucker ended up being pretty lame. It was pretty interesting, but I just never felt that the main character was believable or likeable. The other book was a full length comic book called Summer Blonde, which I really enjoyed. The only criticism was that sometimes the comics really left you hanging, with no resolution of any sort.

My sleeping habits are all screwed up due to mass amounts of napping on Saturday and Sunday. That's why I didn't really get much work done those days, because I was so busy sleeping. Then I couldn't sleep until 3 AM this morning, which may account for my nausea all day. Who knows. Anyway, I couldn't eat my lunch because the smell of it made me sick. I doubt I will get a good amount of sleep tonight, either, because of all of my grading.

My cousin made me a copy of the Dixie Chicks CD, and a few other country songs that I like. She is a major country listener, and I think she was very pleased about me wanting copies.

I put off doing homework and stuff yesterday by actually doing a bunch of laundry and cleaning the kitchen. So at least I don't feel like I'm living in the middle of a war zone for the time being.

I'm so depressed right now. I just can't handle all my stupid work. It's partly my fault, but partly the world's fault. So there.

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