






guestbook #2


concert list





2002-04-16 - 5:39 p.m.

Well, I had a busy day today. The testing was nice and relaxing, and it will be going on tomorrow as well. Yay.

I had a good day overall, except for a bad incident in fourth period. This kid (a senior) talks all the time while I am talking, so I moved him away from his friends. He's always moving back and arguing with me about it. Today I told him to move and he argued and then didn't move. I told him to move more than once. Finally, five minutes after I told him to move and he didn't I told him to leave. He started arguing more, so I got mad and insisted, "Get out of my classroom!" He was like, "I don't need this crap!" any one of my other boys said under his breath, "Then just do what you're told!" I don't like being a control freak or anything, but the kids have to follow instructions or I have to make them leave. The only reason he was treating me like that was because of my age and I am sick of it. I told him yesterday that I thought it wasn't right that I give him more respect than he gives me--he asked me how I was disrespecting him and the other kids said, "By sitting there arguing with her!" I love it when all the other kids are behind me. :) Anyway, I wrote him up and hopefully there will be some improvement. I guess I just had it up to here. If there is one thing I can't stand, it is a rude and disrespectful person. I'm not even one of those teachers who automatically expects respect just because I'm a teacher, but I do expect to be treated with the same respect that I treat them with, which is a lot.

I did have a highlight of the day that made it all worth while. I had to sub for another teacher who has all of the sophomores during sixth period. I went in there and found almost all of them were from my second period class. I hadn't subbed for the classes with sophomores I had before so I wasn't sure how they would react to having me twice in one day. Usually the seniors look at me with mock-horror and say, "YOU AGAIN?!?!" Well the sophomores all came in and were all excited and confused to see me again. Then I heard some of them talking towards the back of the room and I heard someone say "Ms. Boombastic..." Then Jenny yelled, "Do you want me to tell her what you said?" to Jess. I said, "Oh, what'd you say, 'I'm so sad I have to have Ms. Boombastic TWICE today?'" joking around. Then Jenny said, "No!" and Jess said all seriously, "No, I said I wish I had Ms. Boombastic every period of the day." Everyone sort of made groaning noises and he said, "What? I do!" I was so touched by that! What a sweet thing to say. It really made my day, especially since he isn't even a student I'm that close to and isn't one of those that comes and seeks me out to talk to me much.

Anyway, I am off to call my mom. I just had to write about how happy that made me.

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