






guestbook #2


concert list





2002-05-09 - 10:22 p.m.

Although I am extremely annoyed that I can't seem to get rid of the Googles (the Google guy has stopped answering my desperate emails), it does amuse me to find out I am getting so much traffic from people searching for things such as "Midas Boycott" and "Midas Sucks." So I guess I'm not the only one with problems with that company.

Today was a good day. The seniors, once again, liked their assignment. It also became clear rather quickly that they would need today to work on it in class. HEH HEH, no lesson plans for me. I actually have a couple of lessons that I already planned, but it was nice not to have to fine tune them tonight. I also think the sophomores' lesson will take them the whole period tomorrow (I do have a just in case review lesson planned for them on the exciting world of punctuating titles). So I am feeling relaxed and happy. Plus, I got more than half of those dreaded weekly progress reports done after school today, and caught up on all of the senior grades and one class of sophomore grades. I have been giving myself much props, because, after all, it is Teacher Appreciation Week. AND I APPRECIATE ME! HA HA.

Oh, I wanted to use that new "three option field" and just couldn't deal with it. I did exercise two days ago, but only for fifteen minutes. I've been doing so-so with the eating, and today I worked out again for the full thirty minutes. So that's better than nothing. I decided my new thing is going to be trying to exercise at least three times a week, then I will fall into the "I exercise three to five times a week" bracket! It's always good to lie to oneself for motivation. HA HA.

Oh, Jasmine ended up calling me again last night so we talked for almost an hour. I was sad and upset to miss the entire Felicity episode, except for the very end and sneaky glances. I hope some channel picks it up on reruns soon. I also missed the end of Dawson's Creek. But it was actually good to talk to her, if not a little bit weird. The other shocking thing was that she expressed interest in coming to visit me. She is the kind of person who will always want people to come to her, and I usually do. She hasn't visited me since right after I graduated from undergrad, and the only reason she visited me was because she was there on a work thing. The time before that, I think, was my sophomore year in college. Again, it was because she was coming down with a friend anyway. was somewhat crazy to have her say that. I'm thinking she's carrying some sort of subconscious guilt over Vegas. Some of the things she mentioned were pretty crazy, but the one thing she did mention that was pretty cool is that she has lost almost thirty pounds on Weight Watchers. She has gained something like fifty pounds since college, so that is really great for her. I'm honestly happy for her, and am not harboring any diet envy. I was thinking about joining awhile back to see what this mysterious point system is all about, then once I learn the secret I would quit. She says part of the whole thing that she likes is the weekly weigh in. I don't know how I feel about that. But I think the meetings are like fifteen dollars a week, and it just seems like a lot of money. Also, I'm not sure if the calorie diet is the way to go for me. I am more down with the low fat diet. On the other hand, I do like the concept of being able to eat a higher fat item and cutting down on calories to compensate. She was telling me how now she doesn't drink very often because alcoholic beverages have too many calories, and she would rather eat more food. I drink probably once a month or less so it's not like it's that big of a deal, but I wouldn't like that restriction, either.

I really should start keeping a food diary so I could figure out exactly how much I am eating calorie wise. Sometimes I think I'm eating a normal amount, then I eat an entire bag of rice cakes in the course of one day, and I start to think I am a crazy overeater. I also am insane when it comes to pizza. I just can't stop eating it.

Justin and I had this crazy fight last night about how we're going to raise our kids (great, huh, we don't even have any and aren't even close to having any). His parents were crazy, strict, and harsh and his dad was abusive towards them. My mom raised me without violence and is what I consider an ideal parent. Anyway, he thinks I'm going to be too permissive and I think he is at risk of being too harsh. I know that he doesn't want that to happen because of how strained his relationship has been with his dad, but you can't help but to worry. I also really don't want to leave our kids overnight with them because I am afraid he will hurt them in some way. He seems to think his dad has changed. However, his small cousin from Korea lives with the family and I have overheard his dad freak out on the cousin and spank him. Even if he supposedly has been given permission, I still don't trust him not to do that if he is willing to do it to someone else's kid. I do not think it's cool, and especially don't think it's cool that he couldn't control his anger even when he knew I was there and could overhear it. I get really, really upset whenever anyone hits kids in front of me because my mom (and Justin) were both abused physically when they were younger. I can't stand the thought of anyone I love being hurt the way they were and it just upsets me to be around that. I try not to be judgemental about physical punishment, because obviously that is different than abuse, but I still don't agree with it. I know that something like 80-90% of American parents use it, though. I think my mom hit one time in my entire life, but other than that she never did.

Okay, I just ate another twenty or so bearwich cookies. Those are actually pretty good.

They are playing Arrested Development "Tennessee" on VH1 Soul right now. For some reason it always makes me think of Lucia, but I can't remember the particular memory. I actually remember that she didn't even like this song that much, but I just know we used to/watch this in high school.

I started freaking out today with the seniors because this kid was kidding around and it made me feel so old. We were reading this story that had some sort of outdated slang, as it had things people often said when I was in high school. I told fifth period about it before we got started, and they asked what kind of outdated slang. I said, "Like 'Word,'" This kid said, "Word? I've never heard that before. How is it used?" I said, "You know, like if someone says something and you agree with it, you would be like, 'Woooooooord.'" He said again that he had never heard it. I was starting to freak out, but a few other kids said that they had heard it before. Then he said, "I was just kidding, Ms. Boombastic, I just wanted to hear you use it!" He had me totally fooled. :)

Well, I'm going to head off to bed. We had a morning staff meeting today so I had to get up half an hour earlier. I HATE morning staff meetings. It just doesn't seem right to make someone wake up a half hour earlier than usual. It is only once a month, but it's just hard to do that one time and then go back to your regular time all the other days.

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